Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Power of the "Thank You" Card

I don't care who you are, I don't care what you do. The power of the "Thank You card is universal in any industry.

I make it a goal for myself to send at least one "Thank You" card a week. It doesn't matter if it's something as simple as a nice tweet or LinkedIn recommendation; saying "thank you" on a personal level is important and more effective than saying it electronically.

Think about it: How many personal letters do you receive in a week? Most of the time, I receive coupons, newspapers, advertisements, or, my favorite bills. When you see that envelope that has a handwritten name and address, doesn't it get your blood flowing a bit? Don't you feel loved?

Now think about our electronic communication. We say nice things to each other every day. "thanks for the retweet!" Thanks for forwarding that email!" This takes minimal effort: a couple of finger strokes, at best.

Think about all the times you really wanted to say "thank you" and mean it. A common problem is always time, but when you make something a habit, it becomes a priority. Make this task a priority. Keep business cards so that you have addresses for people you know. Buy "thank you" cards and stamps preferably through an online service that personalizes and automates the process for you.

Now that that you have the platform to do this, make a list of nice things that people did for you this week or even this month. Do they deserve a "thank you" card? If you think so, then send a personal note. A "thank you" card is appreciated even when it's late.

No matter the occasion, a "thank you" is always powerful. Take the time to give it your personal touch! Do you think this practice would help you get referrals for your business? I think it would lead the way!!!

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